Saturday 3 October 2020

New Challenge at Inkspirational!

Hi friends!

It's time for a new challenge at Inkspirational and this time our DT member Marlena has chosen the theme and asks us to "Angle It" -She suggests we angle something in the card for movement. I went with a pretty easy route; I made a thank you card for a friend and angled one panel behind my focal point panel instead of using a traditional frame. I quite like it so thank you Marlena for the inspiration! I've used a beautiful new floral image by Pink Fresh Studio, designed by the fantastic Alex Syberia. Love her work!  The image is colored with Copics and Altenew markers. The die cut sentiment is an oldie but goodie from MFT and the heat embossed sentiment belongs to the PF stamp set. Hope you like! Thanks for popping by and I hope to see you joining us. 


  1. Love that angled panel behind those beautiful flowers Nonni.The sentiment is very cute too! Vicky x

  2. Stunning card Nonni, as always! I love the angled panel!

  3. A great idea and it’s a subtle yet effective effect to place the back panel at an angle. Like a shade. I do love it, your card.

  4. This is beautiful- such rich colours and angled paper does give it a twist. Your link from the Ink blog was being weird, so I fixed it.
