Monday 7 February 2022

New Challenge at AAA Birthday!

Hi friends!
I'm here with my DT card for February's AAA Birthday Challenge where we want you to use pattern in your birthday cards!

I actually first created a card with paisley pattern for this challenge -paisley is maybe my favorite pattern of all times- and ended up not being able to use it... I was all silly and made the card into a friendship card! I realized my mistake only after it was all made: we only allow birthday cards in this challenge!! Oops. :) Do not make my mistake! :) In a way I'm surprised this was the first time I forgot in the whole year or so thatI've been a member at AAA Birthday. :) The first card is cute though and you can see it in my Instagram. 

The card you see here is made with a white heat embossed SSSS background image that I water colored with Karin Markers. Love the soft pastel feel of this, perfect for spring! 

Please head on over to our challenge blog for more DT inspiration and all the challenge details. 



  1. Thats so pretty and delicate. beautiful

  2. Oh my you stamped and coloured this beautiful pattern - I thought at first it was patterned paper. Mightly impressive Nonni!

  3. So pretty! I too thought it was designer paper.

  4. Wow this is beautiful. Love the pattern you created and how you coloured the flowers.
