Thursday 2 December 2021

New Challenge at Time Out!

Hi friends!

I'm here with my DT card for Time Out where we this time have a fun photo inspiration challenge for you:

This challenge is sponsored by one of our regular supporters, STAMPlorations, with a $25 voucher to their store. As always our winner also gets to guest design for us -this time our GD is Bobby whose style we absolutely love! Don't miss Bobby's card or any of the DT inspiration and challenge details, click HERE.

I made a super quick and simple Christmas card using dies and patterned paper. I was most inspired by the woodgrain in the tray, the text on the wall art and the overall color scheme. The poinsettia die is by Altenew. 

I'd like to join:
Simon Says Wednesday Challenge: Happy Holidays/ Christmas

Thank you for popping by and I hope to see you at Time Out!



  1. I love the deep color of your poinsettia, Nonni. It really stands out against the script background and the wonderful woodgrain. This is such a beautiful card.

  2. This looks so cozy! The background is beautiful subtile for the nice big flower! Enjoy the weekend!

  3. Oh Nonni, this is so gorgeous. The richness of color and the script and woodgrain backgrounds work so well together. The splatters finish it off beautifully.

  4. The rather big sized poinsettia looks impressive, it's a classy design and I love your splatter detail.
