Thursday 4 November 2021

New Challenge + DT Call at Time Out!


Hi everyone! 
We have a new challenge, "Precious" for you at Time Out... But we also have a DT Call! Exciting times! Here are our DT duties:

  • Creating two cards per month that follow the challenge theme
  • Commenting on the blogs of those who enter our challenge
  • Supporting our administrative team by helping with digital graphics/images
  • Post on your blog to promote the challenge and our sponsors

 This design team call will be open for the duration of this challenge. If you have any questions related to the DT call, you can mail them to me at 

Now onto the card I made for this challenge! The adorable gopher image is by Sugar Pea Designs and I have colored him with Copics and gel pens. The masked night sky is made with distress inks and I've also used a Create a Smile stencil for the stars. Hope you like!

I look forward seeing what you'll create for the challenge... And maybe you feel like joining our DT call too! Happy crafting! xxx


  1. Like is putting it lightly, Nonni!! I love that little guy! and your gorgeous starry night sky!

  2. I have not seen this little guy before. How perfect he is for our challenge!!! I love what you did with him, and as always your coloring is stellar and brings him to life.

  3. Fabulous card, love that background

  4. What a great image! Had a smile on my face the minute I saw this one! Hugs, Gerrina
