Thursday 23 September 2021

New Challenge at Time Out!

Hi friends!
I'm here today with my DT card for new challenge at Time Out where we are inspired by this beautiful quote and these words:

You can be inspired by the whole quote (maybe make an encouragement card for example) or just choose one word/ some words as your starting point. I went the obvious route for me and chose flowers to color in! :) I worked with a cute poinsettia stamp by our sponsor Altenew. Me and my wonderful DT buddy (and IRL buddy too, we have met once!) Jill created our cards together in a fun crafty zoom session -we have had a couple of those and it's a very nice way to craft with a friend + connect with someone who is far, far away from you. Highly recommend!

In my card I've heat embossed the poinsettia image several times with gold and copper powders and water colored them with water colors. I was playing with a small set of White Nights watercolor that I bought locally -it's super pigmented and I have trouble moving it around -I think I need to try different paper. However I do love the strong, rich colors they create! Please head on over to our challenge blog for all the challenge information and more DT inspiration too. After that: Happy crafting! xx

I'm joining: 

Stamping Sensations: Favorite Stamp
I've had an eye on this stamp since receiving a Christmas card with it a couple of years ago (from Jill actually!) and it was on sale this fall in a Finnish web shop... I had to have it and I absolutely love it! also the sentiments in the set are super. 

We Love Chocolate Baroque: Anything Goes with Celebration option



  1. A beautifully coloured floral creation, many thanks for sharing and joining in our September themes at We Love Chocolate Baroque and Stamping Sensations challenges.

    B x

  2. Wow, outstanding coloring, just Gorgeous!!

  3. Huikean upea väritys ja kortti.
    Kiitos kun olet mukana we Love Chocolate Baroque haasteessa;-))m

  4. Your card look so beautiful! Love the real red that makes the flowers pop! Hugs, Gerrina

  5. A gorgeous card! The flowers look great with the gold embossing against the blue background and the snow is a perfect add. Thanks for joining our challenge at Stamping Sensations. Marlies

  6. Beautiful card the colouring is smashing and so well done. Thank you for sharing with us at We Love Chocolate Baroque, good luck x

  7. This card makes me heart skip a beat! These poinsettia images are so realistic, and your coloring brings them so much life, as do those wonderful white splatters. Just gorgeous! So glad you had fun crafting with Jill!

  8. My goodness, Nonni, your coloring and use of schplatters is just stunning. What a work of art this is! I have this beautiful stamp and never would have thought of this design ~ now I can't wait to CASE it. Thank you for sharing with everyone at NBUS! Hugs, Darnell

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