Friday 23 July 2021

Card for Challenges!

HI friends!
I'm not often here with a card "just for fun" but today is the day! :) I've colored in an amazing Power Poppy digi with Copics and pencils. To finish off the card I just simply stamped a sentiment by Pinkfresh Studio and inked the edges of the panel with light blue distress ink. I used a scrap of spotty paper to give the image a "side frame" (I'm sure there's a better way to say that lol!). An image this gorgeous doesn't ned much else added, at least to my taste. Hope you like and thanks for popping by! 

I'm joining:
The Flower Challenge: Spots/ stripes

Simon Says Wednesday Challenge: Out with the old and in with the new (the paper is from my scraps box, the digi + sentiment stamps are both used for the first time!)



  1. A beautifully coloured bouquet of blooms, thank you so much for joining in with your 'Flowers' theme at We Love Chocolate Baroque challenge.

    B x

  2. Love this card! Beautiful colouring on the lovely flowers and the dotted stripe of paper on the side makes the image pop very well.Thanks so much for joining us at We Love Chocolate Baroque challenge!

  3. Such a beautiful floral card and so perfect for our feminine theme at Stamping Sensations, thank you so much for joining us!

  4. Hi Nonni! You are so right about this lovely bouquet not needed much distraction, but the the red dotted paper does bring out the red of that rose! Thanks, so very much, for playing along with our challenge this month! Come back soon!

  5. Beautiful florals and wonderful colouring as always. The inking around the edge really sets the image off. Thanks for playing along with Uniko. X

  6. Huikean hieno väritys, tuo on melkoinen väritettävä!
    Upea kortti kokonaisuudessaan.
    Kiitos kun olet mukana We Love Chocolate Baroque Challenge;-))m

  7. A lovely card, love the floral image.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Stamping Sensations
    Avril x

  8. Beautiful Nonni. Thank you for joining in on the fun at Uniko. Hugs Bev

  9. Stunning card Nonni !
    Thank you so much for playing along at Uniko!
