Saturday 19 September 2020

New Release at Alex Syberia Design!

HI friends!
So happy once again to be joining the new release at Alex Syberia Design! Alex has many new beautiful digital images in her shop and the one I'm playing with in this post is called Lovely Bouquet. I made two cards -in my second card I practiced on my no line coloring. The leaves turned out ok but I do not love the flowers lol! This image is anyway stunning as are all Alex's images and I do hope you'll have a look at her shop! 

I'd like to join the September Flower Challenge with my first card.... And also Simon Says Monday Challenge: Frame It. 




  1. Such gorgeous coloring and cards!!

  2. Gorgeous cards with those lovely flowers. Your coloring looks great.

  3. They are so gorgeous, Nonni! Your coloring is amazing as always! Thank you so much for sharing the beauty with us at The Flower Challenge!

  4. She's so lucky to have you on board - gorgeous.
