Saturday 23 March 2019

New Challenge at Inkspirational!

Hi friends!
We have a new challenge for you at Inkspirational Challenges, a word prompt "Cloud"! 

I used background paper with cloud images to ground my Ellen Hutson flower, colored with waterolors. The sentiment is by Taylored Expressions. I finished the card with some sequins. This card couldn't be much simpler! :) 

Please head oon over to our challenge blog for more inspiration from the design team and for all the challenge details. Happy crafting, I hope to see you joining us! 

I'd like to join:
The Flower challenge: Anything Goes 
(my 4th entry)


  1. What a great idea. I have some of this paper left from you in blue...gosh I should I have used this. And I have to say this colouring is the best yet hon and oh how I adore the colours and what great layering you used x

  2. WOW! How pretty the background paper - certainly a clever way to meet the prompt - and your flowers? OHMYSTARS! Your colouring is breath-taken-away awe-mazing! LOVE this!

  3. This is just so so pretty I love it. I must admit I had to look twice because when you mentioned clouds I was thinking the soft floating watercolour background, then read again and saw it was a pattern paper and yes indeed clouds. Perfect piece for your beautifully coloured flowers.

  4. Dreamy background pp, Nonni ... your mondo sakura is simply gorgeous against it ... such awesome colouring! Hugs, Anita :)

  5. Your card doesn't look simple at all, Nonni! Wow! It's gorgeous in depth of color and design. Beautifully done~

  6. This is one stamp set that I've always wanted but Ellen Hutson postage to NZ is ridiculous!! I absolutely love your soft colouring and that background paper couldn't be more perfect for the flower. Its a stunning card and I'm so excited to see you at The Flower Challenge! xxxxx

  7. A unique take on the challenge and soooo pretty.

  8. oooo, that background paper is beautiful. Your flowers are gorgeous and the colours so pretty. Love it! xx
