Thursday 6 September 2018

Time Out Challenges Reminder!

Hi friends!
I'm here to remind you of our current Inspired by Words challenge at TIME OUT Challenges:

As always in our Inspired by Words challenges you can be inspired by the whole quote or just one word or some words. I was inspired by the words happy and sand -I chose sand colored card for my base, stamped Happy-word twice and also used card making techniques that make me happy: copic coloring, stenciling, paint splattering and adding sparkle! This is a super simple card and I can't decide if I like it or not but at least it was fun to create it! 

This challenge is sponsored by Uniko -the winner will receive a stamp set of their choice from Uniko store. 

Please have a look at all the design team inspiration in the challenge blog and then it's your turn to take TIME OUT and craft! 


  1. Those bright, shimmery happies are such a wonderful contrast with the oh so subtle stencilling, Nonni ... and the splattering adds a great sense of energy! Fabulous! Hugs, Anita :)

  2. Such a fun card. Love the splatters and the kraft is a fun surprise.

  3. Love how you were inspired Nonni - very soft and soothing!

  4. This is indeed, a happy card. I love the things that you chose from the quote to inspire your creation,a nd I love that you used your favorite thing in making it. Simple, spatters, sequins, sparkle... I love it!

  5. So simple and really effective design, I think this is a cool card look, perfect for reproduction with little twists.

  6. A cool card with a warm text! Love the colours! Hugs, Gerrina

  7. I really like this card and I think you should too :) I love the subtle stenciling and splatters and how you made the sentiment the focal point. The neutral colour combo is beautiful too - I am always in love with the colour combos you use :)
