Saturday 19 May 2018

New Challenge at Inkspirational!

Hi guys!
I'm here with my DT card for our new challenge at Inkspirational! For the next fortnight we are inspired by this photo:

I was inspired by the foliage and the colors of the photo and decided to play with my new STAMPlorations cover plate. It's so pretty, I love it! You can buy it here.  The sentiment is also by STAMPlorations. I heat embossed it on black card with white powder... My favorite way to use sentiment stamps I think! I embellished the card with clear sequins. The cover plate was pretty easy and fast to use because I backed the cards I used for die cutting with stick it adhesive - I think it would have been a pain to use this cover plate without it!

Please head on over to our challenge blog now for more DT inspiration! 


  1. oh my goodness, this must have taken forever but it was worth it, stunning colours-it took me an hour and a half just to use this cover plate for one card, so hugely impressed with you adding the pink here x

  2. Really lovely colour combo - the cover plate looks great.

  3. So pretty, Nonni ... and a lovely colour combo ... a great take on the inspiration! Hugs, Anita :)

  4. What a beautiful die cut - love how you added another color with filling in the bloom!

  5. To me this has a bit of that retro Marimekko style I love. Fab die and card!
