Thursday 15 December 2016

TIME OUT Challenge Reminder!

Please click on the card for more clear and detailed look! 

Hi friends!
I'm here to remind you of our current TIME OUT Challenge where we are CASEing (Copy and Share everything) a fabulous card by Kim

I decided to use Kim's CAS layout but turned her design into a Christmas card by stamping flower-like snowflakes and using a bit more muted colors and some sparkle! My card looked a bit dull on a white base but gold glitter card seemed to bring it into the holiday season. :) Have a look what our talented guest designer Deepti and our DT members have made for your inspiration and then.. Take TIME OUT and craft! 


  1. I didn't realise they were snowflakes, what a great stamp that could be used for flowers. The gold base does really work to make the card seasonal. I would use these for flowers too!

  2. I love those flower/snowflake images. They have a kaleidoscope feel. So pretty. I also love the sparkly base that frames the whole card out. Just lovely Nonni!

  3. Hey Nonni I really like how you used the design layout of the card for the CASE rather than the subject matter or colours. so pretty. And I totally agree with Stephanie, the sparkly base pulls it all together perfectly. Jenny x

  4. Great to see that different colours give it such a different feel! Beautiful case-card! Hugs, Gerrina

  5. Gorgeous colours Nonni - they are perfect against the sparkly card base! A perfect holiday card - love it!

  6. Hyvää Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!

  7. Such delicious shimmer and sparkle, Nonni ... though flower like snowflakes are just so pretty! Hugs, Anita :)

  8. Love your out of the box thinking for this card, Nonni. Looks great. X
